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Article Source: ArticlesBase. com Just What Is An Electric Bicycle?Battery technology continues to improve everyday. Currently, there are 3 main types of batteries used in electric bicycles:Lithium Ion Li Ion Lithium Ion batteries are the highest quality batteries available in today's market. Although they cost the most money upfront, they have the longest life and the lowest weight. Because they last 3 4 times longer than cheaper battery types, the higher cost will be negated over time. Nickel Metal Hydride NiMH NiMH is a mid range battery chemistry that isn't quite as common. NiMH batteries are light weight and have an extended life span over cheaper SLA batteries. But for the most part, pre built electric bicycle due not include NiMH and it's only available for people considering and electric bicycle conversion. Sealed Lead Acid SLA Sealed lead acid batteries have been around for decades. Although they're the cheapest form of battery technology, they have the shortest life and are extremely heavy when compared to other battery types. Surprisingly, this is one of the most common questions at our retail shop.

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