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Fossati of the Collegamento pro Sindone about photographer Secondo Pia and the 1898 Exhibition, an article by a researcher from the University of Pittsburgh dealing with the iconography of the Russian Orthodox Church as it relates to the Shroud and an article titled "Natural Factors Affecting the Apparent Radiocarbon Age of Textiles" by Mario Moroni and Remi van Haelst. In addition, look for the latest edition of the British Society for the Turin Shroud BSTS Newsletter coming very soon. The still "under construction" "Research Registry" page will also be unveiled within the next month. As you can see, the website continues to grow!I truly appreciate everyone's participation, assistance and support in helping to make the site a valuable addition to Shroud study. Thank you all!"The Shroud of Turin CD Rom Update" page of this website now includes a new update with an even more detailed description of the Explorer Edition disk and an introduction to the Executive Producer of the project. The "Links To More Information" page has been updated to include a link to a previously unpublished review of David Sox's 1988 book, "The Shroud Unmasked".

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Reich thought imprints were responsible for an individuals destructive behavior both to others and to themselves and that the power of these imprinted experiences resulted directly from the pain that was repressed unexpressed in the past when the original incident or circumstance which he called trauma made the imprint. The imprint metaphor is useful in understanding this relationship between the past and present in that the greater the amount of repressed pain, the deeper the imprint. In other words, the greater the impact of the trauma, the greater the troubled behaviors and troubled lives. In time, he learned that these behavioral manifestations of character are also clearly demonstrated in a persons physical characteristics such as a persons dulled eyes, clenched jaw, stiff neck, tight throat, shrugged shoulders, held breath, flexed pelvic area, or tight buttocks. He taught that these physical characteristics, or biophysical statements, are the way that the body manifests deep character distortions. Reich reasoned that biophysical statements were caused by repressing a natural emotional reaction to a painful experience, and that the process of repressing this emotion altered what he called the energy economy of the total person.
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gathered data from Usenet newsgroups. Usenet Newsgroups is one of the oldest online communities 1979, in which participants can gather information and discuss topics related to their common interests. The researchers examined messages posted on three un moderated groups focusing on programming issues, as these have a high emphasis on knowledge collaboration. In order to measure the KC levels, the researchers conducted a content analysis looking for elements containing code, procedural and declarative information. Furthermore, they examined the level of sociability through elements such as the presence of sign offs, story telling or thanking others. The measure of SSC was conducted through a social network analysis called betweenness centrality.
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e No one can be questioned, not even for purposes of inquiry, by the Office of the Attorney General, by a police force authority or any other authority, without the presence of a private attorney or a court appointed defense attorney, or outside the premises authorized for this purpose. f To be helped free of charge by a translator or interpreter if the person does not understand or speak the language in which the proceedings are being conducted. g In court procedures, to be helped by an attorney of the persons choice or by a court appointed defense attorney; access to or free and confidential communication with the persons defense attorney cannot be restricted. h To submit verbally or in writing the reasons or arguments of those who are being assisted and to respond to the arguments of the other parties; to submit evidence and challenge the evidence that is submitted against them. i No one can be judged more than once for the same case and offense. For this purpose, the cases ruled by the indigenous legal system must also be taken into account. j Those who act as witnesses or experts shall be required to appear before the judge or authority and to answer the respective questions. k To be judged by an independent, impartial and competent judge. No one shall be judged by special courts or by special commissions created for the purpose. l Decisions taken by public authorities must be substantiated. There shall be no substantiation if, in the decision, the legal standards or principles on which it is based are not set forth and if the relevance of their application to the factual background is not explained.
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Give some background information, watch the 2 videos in the PebbleGo Science article together, then have the students write 3 things they already know about cells. Have them write 3 questions about cells in the I Want to Know area, make one prediction based on a question they have, and then have them research. Use PebbleGo as a starting point. Add in library books, other digital resources you have, and the hands on experiments. Pair students up and have them share with a partner what was the most surprising thing they discovered. Teach critical thinking skills with PebbleGo. Read a fiction text or find a current social media blurb as a class, then fact check it in PebbleGo. Could it really happen?Are there some kinds of fiction that is more fact based than other kinds?Ex: Eric Carles The Very Hungry Caterpillar versus Horton Hears a Who. Which one has more realistic animal behavior in it?Pick an animal from PebbleGo and write a realistic fiction book about it. Dont forget about the power of social networking!Search for PebbleGo on teacher blog sites, Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube to get inspired and encouraged by the examples shared by educators across the country. If you have examples of how you are engaging students with reading and research using PebbleGo, wed to hear about it!Tweet your projects and ideas to @CapstonePub or shoot us an email at .