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Why cant I come too?Lexy is probably going to bring him some pumpkin guts for a snack later, but as far as hes concerned, shes gone to war and hes stuck at home awaiting her return. A bit after my birthday last year I found out that my birthday is the day after one of the Wiccan or pagan if you prefer holidays. Like, directly after. From what I can gather from the occasionally broken fount of knowledge that is Google, Imbolc is a holiday that celebrates Brigid the Light giver. The idea is that in February, though things are still cold in the UK and US/Canada areas at least, but that usually around February you can see signs of life, you can feel a bit of warmth in the breezeSo Imbolc pronounced Im bol ik for the most part Or Saint Brigids day celebrates Brigid the Light Bringer as the bringer of spring. It is also a hearth and home celebration, in many cases a celebration that they had made it through another winter and is usually celebrated with hearth fires turn up your heating system maybe?, special foods le gasp We are not used to such an idea!Imbolc is traditionally a time of weather indication, and the old tradition of watching to see if serpents or badgers came from their winter dens is perhaps a precursor to the North American Groundhog Day. A myth for the holiday is that Imbolc is the day the Cailleach the hag of Gaelic tradition gathers her firewood for the rest of the winter. Legend has it that if she intends to make the winter last a good while longer, she will make sure the weather on Imbolc is bright and sunny, so she can gather plenty of firewood. Therefore, people are generally relieved if Imbolc is a day of foul weather, as it means the Cailleach is asleep and winter is almost over. This, I find, is quite a bit more reassuring than the redundant Groundhog winter indicator x number of weeks until winter ends vs x number of weeks before spring begins hmm?Really?Great. Thanks for that.