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As the transactions move outside of mandi, the state government will have no information or intelligence about who the players are, quantities sold and at what prices. Even for trade policies and subsidies, data like volume of total traded stock is crucial. There is another consequence. Today, the government is forced to step in when prices are seen to be crashing, especially from the mandi based price intelligence system. But once this data moves outside of its purview, the Govt. will not have any basis to intervene in the market and safeguard a farmers interest.

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Genomic selection also offers opportunities for the scientific improvement of crops that seed companies usually neglect. The NextGen Cassava Project, a pan African group, plans to zap susceptibility to cassava mosaic virus this way and then systematically to improve the yield and nutritional properties of the crop. The projects researchers have identified 40,000 cassava SNPs, and have now gone through three generations of genomic selection using them. Besides making cassava resistant to the virus, they also hope to double yields and to increase the proportion of starch and thus the nutritional value of the resulting strains. If modern techniques can similarly be brought to bear on other unimproved crops of little interest to the big seed companies, such as millet and yams, the yield bonuses could be enormous. For the longer term, some researchers have more radical ambitions.
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,Arthur R. DeThomas and William B. Fredenberger, Accounting Needs of Very Small Business, The CPA Journal 55, no. 10 1985: 1420. Good cash flow management is essential for the survival of any firm, but small firms in particular must pay close attention to this process. Small businesses must develop and maintain effective financial controls, such as credit controls. Roger Brown, Keeping Control of Your Credit, Motor Transportation, April 2009, 8. For very small businesses, this translates into having an owner who has at least a fundamental familiarity with accounting and finance. Arthur R. DeThomas and William B. Fredenberger, Accounting Needs of Very Small Business, The CPA Journal 55, no.
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Usually offered: Annually, fall and spring semester. Semester credits: 1 4. There was a time when the use of technology in education was confined to computer labs, plasma screens, and projectors. However, times today have changed. The advent of various applications has led to the evolution of teaching processes and made them learner centric explorations from mere teacher directed monologues. Educational institutions these days are increasingly relying on technologies like Virtual Reality and Artificial Intelligence to achieve better outcomes in learning. And Rohit Manglik is one of those who grabbed this opportunity and made the most of it. An alumnus of NIT Surathkal and a former employee of Morgan Stanley, Oracle, and DE Shaw, Rohit has taken the front foot for revamping the conventional face of education and leveraging it with modern technological aids. He came up with a revolutionary idea of launching an EdTech startup catering to the educational adversities and needs of students and offer a one stop solution to them. This is how EduGorilla came into being. Donning a scholars cap, EduGorilla guides students in their career decisions, preparation of their job interview, and various other concerns.
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Online shopping is nothing but electronics commerce e commerce used for business to business B2B or Business to Consumer transactions or it relates to variety of business dealing conducted online. But risk of identity theft with on line shopping through a secure website is relatively small. Online shopping is a multi billion industry and is continuously growing. In most cases the return process with on line retailers is quite simple like returning items to regular store. Online shopping is accessible round the clock. There are shops and small stores and then there are shopping malls, all eager to greet customers with their lucrative offers. Dont do your online shopping from the local caf Some online shopping sites ask if you want to store your payment details for future purchases. Since online shopping malls are becoming so popular, you will find that most online stores place a great deal of emphasis on customer service. The advent of technology brought many benefits along with it, but the dark aspects are also not hidden. If you feel uncomfortable dragging your kids for shopping, online shopping is the best way to counter that. There are number of online shopping store and online shopping malls, eshop, e store, internet stop, web shop, are available over internet which gives option to buy or purchase products of your own choice.