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If you have any further questions, please contact the Administration office. 1. The 3 main priorities of the re engagement to schooling in Term 4 are 1. Mental Health and Wellbeing 2. Learning and 3. Transitions. 2. The Learning priority will focus largely on Literacy and Numeracy and those main learning area concepts of 2020 required for students to further progress or catch up on in preparation for 2021. Our Learning area teams and teachers will put in place during this term and into 2021 provisions and opportunities to best support our students to regain any lost ground in their learning. 1. Camps may operate once again with specific conditions and protocols in place.

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" As David Whyte writes in his new book, "Ecocide: Kill the Corporation Before It Kills Us," the moment is now to rein in out of control corporate power. By infecting three of the worlds most right wing leaders, the coronavirus underscored not only the incompetence and irresponsibility of their governments but the truth that their brand of populism doesn't keep people safe. For all those hunkering down at home, craving more up to date resources and verified, trustworthy information on the coronavirus, CoviDB. org may have some answers. "POTUS" is an acronym political journalists frequently use when talking about the President of the United States. However, "POTUS" seems a woefully soft and inadequate word to describe the current occupant of the Oval Office.
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The kind of thing youd hear shouted at every rally against a war or a law or a reactor for the past 20 years. But it wasnt true anymore. This isnt just what democracy looks like, say the occupiers, its what it feels like. One of the basic premises of the Occupy movement is the idea that democracy exists for most Americans as little more than an unhappy choice between two sides of the same corporate coin. Weve been so alienated from our own sense of agency that being asked to be part of any real decision is exciting, a woman in her late thirties who calls herself Beatrix tells me. Shes one of the old hands, close to the core of nearly every major radical action in New York of the past decade. So shes a little jaded, but even so, shes startled by whats happening: Movements usually spend a lot of time on education, telling people why they need to come to the demonstration. This is exactly the opposite. The people came. Now were all deciding together what happens. Right off the bat I was addicted, says Jesse LaGreca, sipping a beer at a firemans bar near the park.
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University publications and their number are one of the major and most important things that have to be taken into consideration when ranking a university. This is an especially important aspect of ranking since it attracts researchers and scholars looking for researches to the website of a certain university. It also enriches the university's scientific side on the internet. Eduroute measures this aspect through the search engines which specialize in publishing researches and scholarly articles and which search a university's website for all available publications. Website links are one of the main factors which determine the success of any website and the degree of its interaction with other related and good websites. Here Eduroute measures the number of incoming links whether these links are from academic or nonacademic websites. However academic links are of higher importance since they reflect how connected the university is with the online academic community and how respected and appreciated it is from other academic institutions. This ranking factor mainly measures the quality of links and factors. Sometimes some of the university's provide lots of content and links on their website without taking into consideration the quality of those links and the content published on the website. Some universities also resort to buying links without taking into consideration whether or not these links link to other related and renowned websites. Therefore it was of great importance to measure this aspect of any website in order to reflect the true size of a university's website on the internet and to measure the degree in which the university is concerned with the quality of content it provides on its website.
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When the world went fat free, sugar took over to add taste to otherwise lame tasting foods. Unfortunately there is sugar in most packaged and fast food. You have to really study the labels to see if sugar is added to even seemingly non sugar needing foods. Take packaged smoked salmon for example. Why do I need sugar in my salmon, or my tomato sauce?In my sushi?Or salad dressing?Is it only the sugar ?Omitting the processed sugary snacks, cookies, and foods with sugar added is not the only thing to do for prevention of a potential sugar overload lurking around the corner. Whether you already have diabetes, pre diabetes, or just want to bring more awareness around sugar into your life, this hopefully will help you out.