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As progressive points of view of curriculum stated that it is the total learning experience of the individual. And this curriculum gives emphasis on attitudes, values, beliefs and behaviour unintentionally. In addition, learners end to be cognizant on what is happening around them and the value of respect can be cultivated as he or she recognizes difference among others. Though knowledge and skills have an influence on the success of a person in the future, attitude is also vital. Formation of worthwhile values, attitude and habits are necessary in the growth of a person. But in exercising the hidden curriculum, the way how the educator delivers it make a significant impact to a learner whether in a positive or negative way. When mismatches exist between learning styles of most students in a class and the teaching style of the professor, the students may become bored and inattentive in class, do poorly on tests, get discouraged about the courses, the curriculum, and themselves, and in some cases change to other curricula or drop out of school Felder, 2007,p. 1. To rectify the situation teachers need to present information to their asses visually, auditorally, and in hands on manner. The hidden curriculum gives opportunity for the learners for the 21st century workplace to acquire proper knowledge, skills, and attitude. Thus, they become responsible and productive in their own ways.

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Due to their specialized diet requirements they are extremely difficult to keep as pets by pet keepers. They are also a part of the endangered species of parrots. Macaws are big parrots that come in bizarre colors that it would make you dizzy with wonder. They are regal in their posture and are a part of the new world, such as Mexico, Central and South America. They too are extremely endangered, and have already lost 6 of their species to extinction. These birds are traded extensively by poachers for selling and entertainment performances and are dying out due to loss of habitat. The Hyacinth Macaw is the biggest parrot among the Macaw species while the Red shouldered Macaw is the smallest being as small as a Parakeet. These parrots top the list of the most exotic pets that people have kept, but its time we start preserving them and their habitat through conservation and gene coding or else they too will fade away. Parakeets also have long tails and many species are found in Australia. They breed in pairs as well as groups. South America has the Brotogeris, Monk and Lineolated Parakeets.
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Commentaries by J. Barrera Graf , H. T. Bennett , C. M. Bianca , M. J. Bonell , G. Ersi , M. Evans , E. A.